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And also...

David interviews Margaret Cho

read the handblog...


My Way of Life

Ssshhhhh...., I'm just about to go to bed but I wanted to give a quick shout to my peeps out there. I've written the second draft of ACT 2 of How Whatever Happened to Baby Jane Happened and I've got the seeds for he second half planted and there's some growth. Yesterday Steve and I posed for photos for the poster designed by the amazing Mike Miller, who is also in the show and that was fun. BC Kalz worked his make-up magic and our costume designer Bill Morey provided costume pieces. Fast forward 15 minutes ago- Mike Miller sent me the poster and it certainly is eye-catching. I immediately e-mailed him back asking if my nostrils could be reduced. Maybe some well placed putty...,

posted by David on 3/31/2004 06:31:00 AM | Link |



My Way of Life

No, I'm not ignoring you. Mother's just been busy writing. You may amuse yourself exploring the fascinating world of entertainment legend Ruta Lee while I work, and please remember not to disturb me.

posted by David on 3/28/2004 06:55:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

Today is Friday, and things are relatively calm. Last night we had what I'm pretty sure is the final rounds of auditions. We had a few callbacks and some new faces. This show has been so damned tough to cast because of the pool of talent out there, but afterwards we sat on the floor with all the headshots scattered on the floor and played a sort of 'who will survive?' type of game. I hate having to choose between my heart and my head, but ultimately I think we made some great choices and I feel good about everything as does Jay Paul and the crew.

Kudos to Steve Hickson for giving his all in every single scene reading, and there were almost 100. There were many a times when I thought he was trying to steal Joan away from me with his 'Damn you, Nancy...'

Before the auditions I went to the doctor to see what was up with this nagging cough and since my doctor was on vacation I had to go to a Lady Doctor. Of course I refused to take off my clothes (granted she never asked me to), but she turned out to be really good. Fear not dear reader, it turns out this is all allergy related and I'm starting back up on that annoying allergy medication and nasal spray. Time shall tell if this is the proper diagnosis.

Tonight I'm supposed to go to the opening night performance and party of Clowns and Cotton Candy, the show with half the HIAH Ensemble in it, so how can it fail?

posted by David on 3/26/2004 05:58:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

I'd like to start out by giving out a big birthday shout to my Handbag Homies Todd 'Sister Agnes' McConville and Big Gay Jim Glaub! Happy Birthday my brothas! Yesterday I made some considerable progress in the miniseries that is How Whatever Happened to Baby Jane Happened, and I managed to make a delicious dinner as well. I was sooooo tired but managed to stay up late enough to watch some of the TVLAND Awards and catch Blondie on the The Letterman show. Marlo Thomas doesn't looks as scary as everybody says she does and Debbie Harry looked fantastic. I'm not just saying this because I'm a hopeless Debbie zombie- she really has fabulous genes and a good doctor. I hope I'm able to afford this when I hit that age. The husband is going out of town this weekend so I'm covering all of the furniture in plastic and preparing for a weekend of debauchery as I plan to spend the entire weekend eating chocolate donuts and watching OZ DVD's...

Tonight is what will hopefully be the final rounds of auditions and I'm supposed to go the doctors beforehand to deal with phlegmy sinus troubles. Everytime I sneeze it's a new surprise. Not the kind of behavior befitting a micro-celebrity at all!

posted by David on 3/25/2004 06:29:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

Good morning Bag People. I don't have a lot to report because I'm going to be writing and working, working and writing and once I get my groove on I just can't stop ya' you know. I thought I would let you amuse yourself today with a wonderful link of X-Rated movie posters from the 60's and 70's. See if you can spot various Handbag ensemble members before they got their big break....

posted by David on 3/24/2004 06:31:00 PM | Link |


My Way of Life

Today is Joan Crawford's birthday (her age depends on what you year you believe she was born) and to celebrate I watched a little bit of Joan on Turner Classic Movies. Some Flamingo Road and the wonderful documentary Joan Crawford: The Ultimate Movie Star, so I'm feeling a little emotional so I included this blurb from TCM host Bob Osbourne...

There's never been a movie star who changed images on screen more often than Joan Crawford. In the 1920s, she was the airy and adorable jazz baby. In the 1930s, she was the good-but-disgruntled tenement girl who ended up with Prince Charming, usually in the form of Clark Gable, Robert Montgomery or Franchot Tone. In the 1940s, she was the hardworking dame who rarely left home without (wisely) packing a pistol in her purse. In the 1950s, she was the Dominant Force (i.e. wealthy playwright, legendary actress, saloon owner or magazine editor) who took no prisoners. By constantly reinventing herself, Crawford managed a remarkable feat: she remained an active, working movie star for more years than anyone, before or since. (She got her first star billing in 1925; her last film came 45 years later, in 1970.)

Another thing about Crawford: few stars have been more dedicated to his/her fans. More than once I watched with awe as Crawford emerged from a limousine and, passing by fans gathered for the occasion, said, "Hello, Sally dear. Is your mother feeling better?," and "Hello, Sam. Bless you for coming" and so on. She kept up a monumental correspondence with her legion of admirers, writing notes on her legendary blue stationary to say thank you for a letter, a compliment and, especially, for going to see her latest movie. It's a shame, really, that Crawford's name today is more synomomous with wire coat hangars and child abuse than with the pleasures of Flamingo Road and Humoresque or any of the 79 other films she made during that long, fruitful career. But if that negative image sometimes obliterates the memory of those hours of pleasure Joan Crawford gave to untold millions during her years as an actress, we're going to do our best to change that this month.

On March 23rd, the actress's birthday, we'll be covering all the many facets of Joan in a five-film tribute, including the TCM Original Documentary (Joan Crawford: The Ultimate Movie Star, 2002). In other words: ample examples why this remarkable chameleon remained in the forefront of such a risky business longer than anyone else has managed to do. Ever.

by Robert Osborne

posted by David on 3/24/2004 06:06:00 AM | Link |



My Way of Life

First production meeting last night. Late last night... Got to meet the lean, mean Baby Jane Team. It was really exciting, because we have some pretty talented people aboard. Mike Miller brought some mock-up poster ideas with him and they of course they were perfect so it looks like Steve and I will be donning some make-shift Blanche and Jane costumes next week for a poster photo shoot. The days are filling up fast and there is so much to do, but it must be done, but it's better then sitting alone in your room...

posted by David on 3/23/2004 07:17:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

Good Monday my little Baggers. I've been a bad mother, not keeping in touch this weekend. But like my own mother I figure you kids could fend for yourselves over the weekend if I left a few bucks on top of the dresser and some Swanson dinners in the freezer. Lots to report so let's get going, shall we?

Friday- I saw The Big Voice- God or Merman at the Theater Building Chicago, and I'm happy to report it was a delight. I went with my husband and a progressive hetero Jewish couple (I love labels, don't you?) from the burbs and we all loved it. The show is written by longtime partners Steve Schalchlin & Jim Brochu and it's really about 'the journey'. Know what I mean? I hate trying to explain shows to people. They each tell their life stories, and of course soon the stories intertwine, and like most lives there are triumphs and setbacks and , well you know...LIFE. There are some great songs by Steve Schalchlin and Jim Brochu's dead on comic timing is a joy to watch. And why it wouldn't it be? This is the man that wrote Lucy in the Afternoon! He also visited Joan Crawford in her NYC apartment a few times because apparently his dad knew her quite well... Joan Crawford? Lucy Ball? Yvonne DeCarlo? Ethel Merman? Ruta Lee? Well, Handbaggers, your scribe was positively giddy when he met Mr. Brochu, and he was more then generous with his time, as was Mr. Schalchlin. Highly recommended!

Yesterday we had the second round of How Whatever Happened to Baby Jane Happened auditions. They ran from 12-8, followed by a meeting afterwards and made some decisions. I left the house at 11am and got home at 11:30pm. Christopher was not amused, but that's showbiz. We saw a lot of interesting people, but ultimately we decided to have one more night of auditions/callbacks. Now excuse me while I slip into a hot bubble bath and listen to Cher's version of Long and Winding Road...,

posted by David on 3/22/2004 05:43:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

Time to shamelessly plug shows my friends are in...

The first one- A Piece of My Heart. No, it's not about Janis Joplin, although I could see Tina playing Janis. It's about the women who served in Vietnam, so I don't think it's a comedy. It's directed by ensemble member Michael Buino and features another ensemble member Tina Haglund. Click here for details. I'll probably be there next Thursday, so I'll see you at the Corn Palace.

The next show is Clowns and Cotton Candy and it's about the unknown clowns and circus folk who served in Vietnam. No, wait... it's about crazy circus happenings involving love, murder, intrigue and there's even an Ape Lady, so that's gotta be worth something. It's produced by Big Gay Jim and features quite a few Handbaggers. Ed Jones, Derek Chafkjwojsjibitz, Tim Howard, and the Professor and Mary Ann.

Me? Shucks, thanks for asking. I'm just fine. I've been writing and writing and tonight I'm going to see The Big Voice- God or Merman? I'll let you know what I think manana. Ciao babies!

posted by David on 3/19/2004 08:21:00 PM | Link |


My Way of Life

The fabulous actress Mercedes McCambridge has passed away. To the general public she's best remembered for her voice of the demon in The Exorcist, but to me she will always be Emma Small, Joan Crawford's worthy adversary on screen AND in real life in Johnny Guitar. Here is an excerpt from her New York Times obituary that I had to share with you.

Ms. McCambridge acquired a reputation as a strong-willed, outspoken woman on and off the screen. When she was hired to play the enemy of Joan Crawford in a 1954 Western, "Johnny Guitar," the two feuded on the set. In her memoir, Ms. McCambridge called Crawford "a mean, tipsy, powerful, rotten-egg lady."

Do you think Joan was waiting for her at the pearly gates, waiting to trip her as she walked though the threshold?

Mercedes was 85.

posted by David on 3/19/2004 06:17:00 AM | Link |



My Way of Life

Only a few days until spring and Chicago is experiencing fluffy snow. It's actually quite beautiful but I'm looking forward to warmer weather. Last night I met with JP and a potential costumer for Baby Jane. The meeting went very well and JP and I did some Baby Jane brainstorming that helped inspire me. It looks like the Sunday auditions are filling fast. We have a full house thanks to the efforts of Ginger/Angela and her amazing scheduling powers.

I found out Debbie Harry will participate in the next VH1 Divas Live, 2004. Hooray? I say this with a bit of trepidation because I've never been fond of this show and the other participants are Cyndi Lauper (Who I love), Patti Labelle (Yeah, she's a Diva, but so what?), and Jessica Simpson. Huh? It's a sad day when Jessica Simpson is part of a Diva show. I mean, she's cute, but whatever... Hopefully the Debster will get a lot of exposure regarding her new album and let people know that she still exists, but if she has to sing a duet with Jessica Simpson I'll puke.

posted by David on 3/18/2004 06:09:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

Well it's finally happened. Whitney is in rehab! Yes, Ms. Houston has finally taken that first step. Admitting she is powerless. Let's hope she inspires Courtney to do the same. Yes, I a too am familiar with the strains and pressures of celebritydom, but come on girls, get it together! The rewards far outweigh the pitfalls.

It's a fluffy, snowy day in Chicago and I'm feeling rather chipper. I have a Baby Jane meeting tonight with JP and a potential costume designer and little Steve Hickson is still out of town, leaving ME in charge. I told you things are going to change around here...,

posted by David on 3/17/2004 06:13:00 PM | Link |


My Way of Life

God, I'm tired. I woke up at 5am and had trouble getting back to sleep. I'm still fighting the remains of this damn cold...or is it sinus problems? I don't know, but I'm feeling mighty old. Depends on the color of the snotty drainage mucous. Yellow or green. Mine is a neon green with yellow reflections. I HAVE mellowed out after yesterdays traumatizing moronic events, and I suppose I'm glad I didn't throw acid in Grizelda's (yes, that was her name) face. Did some Jane stuff today, and I may do more tonight. It's a coming along, a coming along, a coming along.

I would like to close with B-Movie Beefcake. My favorite is Mike Henry

posted by David on 3/17/2004 12:13:00 AM | Link |



My Way of Life

Stupid people are everywhere. They control what we watch on television, what movies are made, who is elected... And they do things like enter confidential highly sensitive information into the vast databank that controls our lives. Are you a stupid person? I have to admit I am sometimes, but only when the person I'm dealing with is stupid, and- 99.9% it's a work situation, where somebody will die if they don't get an answer immediately. Let's face it...we're all conditioned to think that we're above most work. I know I am.

What brought this on? I FINALLY got my corrected W-2 form from that crappy high volume staffing company that doesn't seem to have a handle on some of the most basic people skills within it's own organization. I was sent a wildly incorrect W-2 form, tried to straighten it out and was forced to deal with some payroll flunky that dealt with my situation with the casualness of scratching her ass. When I finally arranged to pick up said w-2 form the person who I was supposed to get it from didn't have the common courtesy to let me know that the office would be closed before 5, and she didn't seem to care that it was my federal tax information. It had nothing to do with her, her moron boyfriend, or her nails or her favorite TV show or her latest Mira! I wanted to go Crawford on her and I wanted to write a letter expressing my disgust with the whole matter but I can imagine them posting it on the breakroom bulletin board with funny comments scribbled next to my razor sharp brilliantly worded diatribe. They probably would have drew a really mean picture of me and stink lines coming out of my butt or something. So I didn't.

posted by David on 3/15/2004 11:51:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

It's 1am. Saturday is over. My browser freaked out and I lost the Blog I was just about to post. Basically I sat at the computer all afternoon and wrote a bunch of crap that went nowhere. A perfect writing afternoon wasted. I think I have to change the beginning of Act 2 cause it's just not flowing for me, baby. I'm stuck. I need a push. Pray to the naked Jesus for me.

posted by David on 3/14/2004 08:11:00 AM | Link |



My Way of Life

It's Friday, and things are fairly calm in my world I think..., Last night we had our first auditions for HWTBJH and it was fun hearing the material read out loud. The fact the Actors Center or Studio or whatever you call it was a meat locker didn't even bother me. So many talented people to choose from. I love the audition part but believe it or not I hate the whole selection process. Why can't everybody win?

Hearing the characters speak also gave me some ideas for the second act, and JP, our director is good at shaking ideas out of me. NO, not in bed, Out of my head. That's a play on an old Loretta Lynn song. Did you know Jack White from the White Stripes is producing Loretta's next album? I'm really looking forward to that venture. It's in the can and due to be released in April. Loretty is one of my favorite singer/songwriters. She's a little loopy now but her stuff is H-O-N-E-S-T, unlike her glossed over biographies (so I've been told). I guess she went on some rant at her last Chicago appearance about keeping prayer in school and she's a staunch Republican. This coming from the woman who wrote a hit about birth control.

Not much else to Blog about. It's friggin' cold and I can't stop coughing, and here's a link for you. Dana, we hardly knew ye'... Goodbye.

posted by David on 3/12/2004 05:45:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

I'm supposed to tell you that Jere Williams, aka Sheldon Glickstein has his own Blog now. So if you want to read all about Jere's sexual fantasies or lack thereof, go here . Now that that's out of the way back to my rather mundane and guarded corner of the internet.

Random thoughts? Is Sharon Stone the poor mans Faye Dunaway? Had some decent roles early in her career, but eventually started making horrendously bad role choices, just like Faye. Now, like Faye, she's playing a villainous in the latest DC Comics movie, Catwoman. Remember Faye as the villainous 'Selena' in the 1984 crapfest, Supergirl? How could you not remember it? Brenda Vaccaro was Faye's bumbling sidekick. In Faye's interesting yet, sometimes hilarious autobiography she claims she did the film to work with Peter O'Toole. I don't think Peter O'Toole was in Dunston Checks In..., Although, that's a good rental if only to see a monkey push Faye Dunaway into a cake.

Maybe we should have a monkey push Bette Davis/Baby Jane into a cake at the Whatever Happened to Baby Jane premiere party scene. Where are we going to find an actor to play a monkey?

Oh! And another thing. After reading Paul Winfields obituary, seeing no wife, kids as survivors, it got me to uh...thinking that he was, you of us...

Guess he is/was. Of course, it was just a 30 year relationship, nothing like real love of a man and a woman, the way God intended it to be.

posted by David on 3/11/2004 07:21:00 PM | Link |


My Way of Life

Not much to report in the way of Handbag news, and work although work wasn't that busy it has a way of turning my mind into a glob of Play Doh . I tried to write a little, and managed a few lines, but I realized I need to step back, look at what's happening and decide what the results of Act 1 should be. I gotta tell you choosing scenes from the film to spoof is like a total Sophies Choice situation. How do you choose between the dead rat and the newspaper office scene? Arghhh!

posted by David on 3/11/2004 06:08:00 AM | Link |



My Way of Life

This is tragic. Spalding Grays crippling depression finally won the battle. The lesson here? TAKE YOUR MEDS!!!!

This is even more tragic

I hope Suzanne Somers weighing in on Marthas fate brings Miss Stewart some comfort. Quote the Suzanne (On jail) 'I will never get over it as long as I live -- the lack of freedom, the lack of rights. I looked at the hole in the floor to go to the bathroom and I thought, 'I don't know what I have to do in the rest of my life to never, ever find myself here again, but whatever it is, I'm never going to be here again'

What does this have to with Handbag Productions? As a members of the human race we at Handbag feel a responsibility to reach out to the mentally ill. Many of us have first hand experience working with, living with and yes, being, mentally ill. Yes, mental illness has brought us great rewards, but it has also brought us great pain and tragedy, so please, don't fuck with Mental Illness.
God Bless You.

posted by David on 3/09/2004 05:26:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

We have some new Handbag ensemble members. Keep checking the company link for the exciting updates. Honestly, I don't have a lot to report kiddies. I forgot to mention that Thursday I saw the House Theater production of San Valentino and the Melancholy Kid written by the very talented Nathan Allen. It was a surreal musical homage to the western with everything plus the kitchen sink. Those House Theater kids are a talented bunch and the fact that they're willing to try anything is half the fun of going to see their shows. They're rather fearless- so even when it doesn't work, it's cool to see them try. I expected to see spinning plates and tap dancing halfway through the show. Maybe next time.

I sent out the official (for now) Act One of HWHTBJH , to the production team yesterday. We're having ensemble and invitation auditions this Thursday, so I'm keeping pretty damn busy. Jay Paul and I squeezed ourselves into Cariboy yesterday to discuss Act Two and side scenes for the auditions - don't be surprised if you see spinning plates and tap dancing in Baby Jane.

The rest of my day was spent cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. We have an out of town visitor this week, so the place had to be COMPANY clean. Afterwards I made dinner and we watched the season premiere of The Sopranos (B) followed by Curb Your Enthusiasm. Only Larry David would cast Gina Gershon as a horny Hasidic dry cleaner. Fucking hilarious. (A)

posted by David on 3/08/2004 06:16:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

Freak me out, man. Stephen Sprouse died! 50 years old. For those of you who don't know, Stephen designed Debbie Harry's dress in the Heart of Glass video and helped her create her look during her heyday. I think they had a falling out. Hope they made up. Rest in fabulous peace, Stephen. It's late. Had a busy day. Nephew. Birthday, Indiana. Brannen Daugherty. Play at Bailiwick. Well, Brannen was good...

Started doing my taxes. Opened my W2 from the shithole that laid me off and discovered the amount they put on 2003 income is impossibly high. Taxes are delayed now. That's what I get for not opening my mail sooner. Grrrr.....,

posted by David on 3/07/2004 07:53:00 AM | Link |



My Way of Life

I've been bad. I haven't blogged you in a couple of days, but you'll be glad to know it was because I was too busy putting together the revised first act of HWHTBJH . That Jay Paul Skelton is really a clever guy, and with his help I was able to put the pieces of a first act that gets my motor running. The past couple of days have been writing, rearranging, adding, subtracting, then doing it over and over. By 4pm I was a bit sick of Baby Jane for the day, and I e-mailed the first act to our set designer, one of the Tims. The butch one...,

This cold won't go away and I passed out when I got home from work and woke up to find I had missed Brigitte Ditmar's birthday party. I suck big time, and not in the good way...

I was also obligated to complete some sound cue work for a show, Jackie Anderson is stage managing, Exploded View, but my collaborator, Scott wasn't able to work on it, causing me to panic. Oh, and today is my 11th anniversary of you know what. I want my prize!

posted by David on 3/06/2004 07:38:00 AM | Link |



My Way of Life

Have you seen this? I've been aware of it for a while but wasn't sure if I shared. I'm convinced every cool thing in the world will eventually turn into a musical, thus making it uncool. Movies, TV shows, Pop Icons, Products, embarrassing situations, you name it. How about a musical about me trying to write a How Whatever Happened to Baby Jane Happened? Numbers would include, ' Dammit Jay Paul, I'm Writing as Fast As I Can!, But Joan's More INTERESTING, & ENDING? Who Needs an Ending?....

posted by David on 3/03/2004 05:28:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

Good Morning Handbaggers, I hope this first day of March finds you well. I'm still fighting a cold and it's managed to sap a lot of my energy. I'm working on Baby Jane rewrites and I feel like an ant carrying one grain of sand at a time. Seems like an impossible project but I've been there before....

Luckily the director has a clear vision of the show and his guidance helps me greatly. Chris and I swung by Steve Kimbrough's home for his Oscar party, and it was packed. So packed, that there was no more food, and since we didn't eat we had to leave early because we were starving, so we watched the rest of the Oscars in the comfort of our home, which was nicer then balancing myself on the corner of a couch, especially with my achy bones. I didn't catch the entire telecast but the Oscars seemed pretty boring. It was really fun to see Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara as Mickey and Mike perform their song from A Mighty Wind, and it was also great to see Annie Lennox win an Oscar, but she kind of looked like a glammed up Gollum. The rest of the winners? I didn't really care.

I had this really odd dream this weekend that I was sitting on a couch next to a very sexy Lena Horne, laughing and whispering in her ear. What the hell does that mean? Maybe she wants me to replace Janet Jackson in her biopic and she's sending me psychic messages in my sleep.

posted by David on 3/01/2004 06:05:00 PM | Link |


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Richard Lambert and Pauline Pang
Red 'H' by Troy Coleman
Additional art elements by Michael Miller