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And also...

David interviews Margaret Cho

read the handblog...


My Way of Life

Well I survived the Fillet of Solo preview and I have to admit I used a music stand and had to refer the script a couple of times- but the crowd (all 12 of them) seemed to love it. I made some cuts today because I think it was the longest piece. Someday told me 20 minutes but I think they were wrong. Actually I KNOW they were wrong. I checked with several other people. Maybe they just couldn't handle the wild applause. I plan on being totally off book tonight, and I will be. We officially open tonight.

Freak that I am I immediately called Ed Jones to check on my baby, SCARRIE-The Musical, and of course he said the show, the audience and the guest stars, Becky Eldridge and Jim Bennett were fantastic. This was the first SCARRIE show I missed and I'm missing most of tonight's too. I HATE not being to be there.

The Birds - A Tail of Ornithic Proportions is opening tonight. No, I didn't choose the subtitle. Send positive thoughts to TheSpyAnts. Break a beak, guys.

What's playing in my car?

SCARRIE-The Musical Cast Recording - demo

Pat Benatars Greatest Hits - This is the one to get. It has the CLASSIC 'Sex As a Weapon', a David Cerda song if I ever heard one..., They have it at Target for 9.99!

Atomic- The Very Best of Blondie - Surprise, surprise. Not the very best compilation, but one of 1,000's of Blondie compilations. For completionists only.

Some free 80's CD I got with my Entertainment Weekly subscription, kind of okay. The best song being 'It's My Life' by Talk Talk. Why did No Doubt cover a perfect song?

SCARRIE- The Musical - INDUSTRY NIGHT (Well, afternoon) - This Sunday at 2:30. 10 bucks!!!! Bring a headshot or a resume.

posted by David on 7/29/2005 04:25:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

Look Mama! My first west coast opening listing!

posted by David on 7/28/2005 07:45:00 PM | Link |


My Way of Life

I thought I had tonight to finish memorizing my monologue, DEBBIE HARRY SAVED MY LIFE, but I was wrong. There's a free preview tonight. I had an old schedule. I was thinking I could wrap my head in a bandage and have the emcee let everybody know that I was either hit by a car or am battling some rare brain disease, but I didn't want to disappoint my fans, so please excuse the giant cue cards. Oh, a word of advice. It's probably not a good idea to Google 'hit by a car' in Images early in the morning.

posted by David on 7/28/2005 03:06:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

Please vote for Merrie's friends, The Gold Stars for this Q101 thing so I don't get dirty looks the next time I see her.

posted by David on 7/26/2005 08:06:00 PM | Link |


My Way of Life

Yesterday after another boring day at the day job I worked on my Fillet of Solo piece with Jay Paul. He made me do parts over and over and over in an attempt to break me down, and piss me off so he would get some sort of 'honest raw stuff' out of me. After smacking me like Jack Nicholson whacking Faye Dunaway in Chinatown it finally worked. I only have 2 1/2 pages TOTALLY memorized. I am so screwed. I have a tech/dress tomorrow and we open Friday at 7:45pm. I'll be appearing where you see 'Solo Sampler'.

posted by David on 7/26/2005 03:42:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

Saturday night I stuck around Theatre Building Chicago after SCARRIE to see ARFTCO's PSYCHO BEACH PARTY featuring a cast of youngsters and Steve Hickson and Tina Haglund . My date, Michael Miller and I had great fun and I may be prejudiced but my faves were Steve as the Joan Crawford-like mother of Chicklet and Tina channeling BC Kalz channeling Jayne Mansfield. Rania Baxter also shined as Chicklet's bookworm nerd girl friend! Tina's costumes alone are worth the price of admission, so go see it when you get a chance!

posted by David on 7/25/2005 08:09:00 PM | Link |


My Way of Life

From the Handbag Archives. A very young Steve Hickson and Steve Kimbrough in what looks like to be a pre-quel to How 'Whatever Happened to Baby Jane' Happened. They look very happy together.

posted by David on 7/25/2005 04:23:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

Look! Our little Timmy has a Blog! He's Billy Nolan in SCARRIE- The Musical and a pretty funny guy. Not bad on the eyes either...,

posted by David on 7/22/2005 08:27:00 PM | Link |


My Way of Life

We had a rather timid SCARRIE house last night. It's weird how the audiences have their own collective moods or personalities. They weren't a bad audience, just not the LAUGH OUT LOUD type. I'm a laugh out loud kind of guy. To me, a good laugh is like an orgasm, and I think that's why a lot of people are hesitant to laugh out loud in public. The get embarrassed. Your face totally contorts into an unflattering image, your body shakes uncontrollably, sometimes you snort, spit out snot. It's just not a very flattering situation to be seen in. Crooked teeth, too much gums, nose hairs. It's hard to hide that gut when you're laughing hysterically too. Some people are just too uptight to have full on kick ass laugh, just like they're afraid to have a mind blowing, screaming, toe curling orgasm. It's too bad for them, because in both cases, they don't know what they're missing! Our guest prom chaperones Madge Weinstein and Jason Freeman we're 'GUEST CHAPERONES GONE WILD' . They managed to loosen up the tightly wound crowd, and even remembered a couple words of the actual dialogue I had written for them. I didn't mind, because they were both so funny. I think they need to take their act on the road. Madge Weinstein featuring her fagola nephew Norman!

The cast recording is finished and I'm picking up the MASTER CD's this afternoon. Now we can lip synch the entire show!

posted by David on 7/22/2005 06:58:00 PM | Link |


My Way of Life

Hear Trista Smith, Merrie Greenfield and myself talk SCARRIE-The Musical and a whole lot more on Fausto Fernos' Feast of Fools Podcast. Posted by Picasa

posted by David on 7/22/2005 06:18:00 AM | Link |



My Way of Life

Last night I spent TWO hours talking about myself. I was helping out a friend's friend who needed to interview an interesting person' for her journalism class. As I spilled my guts to her I started to get bored with myself, since the the 80's were really a blur for me. I think I need to write all of these facts down before I become feeble and forget them. Apparently I'm not boring because Marla, the interviewer had her mouth agape many times. Hopefully I didn't share too much...,

Speaking of sharing, you can hear more about me, me, me and my relationship with Deborah Harry, a woman I've met a few times (She's a girl singer) at Live Bait's Fillet of Solo Show .
I will be a part of the Solo Sampler show, which means I don't get my picture on the website. All you see is Kodeski, Kodeski, Kodeski! MY piece is entitled Debbie Harry Saved My Life. This is a fact.How? Maybe she pulled me from a burning building, maybe she pushed me out of the way of an oncoming vehicle. You'll have to see the show.

Don't forget- only 3 more weeks of SCARRIE- The Musical, the show TimeOut Chicago has 'RECOMMENDED" and is a 'CRITICS PICK' in The Windy City Times, and got not 3, but 3 and a HALF stars in Gay Chicago Magazine. The houses are getting BIGGER and BIGGER, so I get you tickets NOW. It's good, I'm not bullshitting you, and I don't want to hear about how you didn't have time. Let's just say if you don't go, there will be NO POSEIDON! An Upside Musical revival. I'm sorry to be so harsh, bit sometimes you just have to use TOUGH LOVE.

posted by David on 7/21/2005 05:54:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life- GO Suzanne!!!

You tell 'em Suzanne! I feel her pain. I'm trying to get the rights to this show for Ed Jones..., Thanks to Jere for the heads up.

From the NEW YORK POST by Michael Riedel


'THESE men are curmudgeons, and maybe I went too close to the bone for them. I was lying there naked, and they decided to kick me and step on me, just like these visions you see in Iraq," says Suzanne Somers of her treatment at the hands of New York's drama critics.
It may be the height of celebrity hubris to compare your bad reviews to Abu Ghraib, but Somers — an exaggerated entertainment personality if ever there was one — is not backing down.
She says she's "pissed" that the critics savaged her one-woman show, "The Blonde in the Thunderbird," and "saddened" that, because of their terrible notices, she's being forced to close it on Sunday.
It was scheduled to run until Sept. 3.
On Monday, the day reviews appeared, the box office took in about $5,000.

In the show, Somers speaks candidly about her struggles in life an alcoholic father, teen pregnancy, bankruptcy, breast cancer.

"I laid out my life in all of its flawed ugliness, and I guess there was a part of me that hoped the critics would say, 'Wow!' " What they said, in fact, was, "Yuck!"

Charles Isherwood, in the New York Times, called her show a "swan dive into narcissism."
(Somers says she'd like to tell Isherwood "to go to hell, and I don't care if he knows it.")
Clive Barnes, in The Post, said "Thunderbird" was "smug and remorseless."
And Michael Kuchwara of The Associated Press said it was a "therapy session crossed with a tacky Las Vegas review."

"I put my show out there with the cleanest of hearts and the best of intentions, and getting reviews like that hurt," Somers says.

"Barry Manilow said Broadway would break my heart, and it has."
A self-help guru who spent years in therapy, Somers says she allowed herself to "wallow in it" the day the notices appeared. "It was hard for me. I was angry and depressed. I had a massage that day, and I asked the woman who worked on me to do some acupuncture for my emotions. I told her I was heartbroken. After the massage, she told me she came to the show on Friday and was so moved by it. She said: 'The men who write these reviews can't take it. It's too emotional for them.' "
It's significant, Somers believes, that the one decent review she got was from Linda Winer of Newsday, the only woman among New York's top theater critics.
Winer called Somers "bright and ebullient" and said the show was "slickly presented."
"There is something about me that connects with women," Somers says. "You'd think I would have a male following, but my demographics were always the highest in television with women."
Somers is hoping that her gal pack — "those ladies out there in Queens who watch me on TV" — will ignore the critics and flock to her show.
They won't be disappointed, she says.
"The fighter in me is back today. Even though I only have seven performances left, they're going to be great performances."

posted by David on 7/20/2005 04:51:00 PM | Link |



My SCARRIE Way of Life

Yesterday I went to the recording studio to hear the SCARRIE-The Musical cast recording mixes with Brandon, our engineer. He's pretty cute, but after a while mixing and listening to the same bits of song gets a little tedious, but I was glad to be there- NOT because he was cute, but I was able to offer some suggestions on the mixing sound thingee. The recording studio is in a building that looks abandoned, so when we first went there it just like the scene with Madeline Kahn as Eunice Burns from 'What's Up Doc?' when she stumbles into an abandoned warehouse. 'What on earth are you doing with Howard Bannister's rocks?'

GUEST PROM CHAPERONES- Who's crazy idea was that? Keeping up with them is insane, and I had my first misschedule, but my chaperones Jay Pay and Brigitte graciously adjusted their schedule for me.

Thursday- Madge Weinstein and Jason Freeman- This should be interesting....,
Friday- Director of How 'Whatever Happened to Baby Jane' Happened and my new solo piece Debbie Harry Saved My Life Jay Paul Skelton and ensemble member Brigitte Ditmars, everybody's favorite nurse and reindeer mother.
Saturday- Vicki Quade and Reverend Ed Townsley, soon to be formerly of Unity Church on Devon and Ridge
Sunday- About Face's Gregory Copeland and Cabaret Diva Amy Armstrong

posted by David on 7/19/2005 06:19:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

My goodness, what busy, busy weekend I had. SCARRIE houses are getting better and betterer and the show is getting tighter and tighter. World of mouth and the good reviews must be doing something because we even had a great crowd yesterday. The cast is so energetic and the audience responds to it. Our guest prom chaperones Ryan Bollo, Rick Karlin, and SCARRIE alumni Emily Zimmerman were fantastic and I was only sad that Ludwig was too ill to attend yesterday, so I had to take his place, doing my best Ludwig impersonation.

It was extra special because two of my best friends came to see it, one from Missouri, and they really enjoyed it, and that meant a lot to me.

If I were you I would reserve SCARRIE tickets now, as word of mouth is selling this show and we HAVE to close August 7

posted by David on 7/18/2005 04:25:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

We had a blast yesterday at SCARRIE The Musical, with a great crowd for a Thursday. Our special guest chaperones, Richard 'Dick O'Day' Knight, Victor Salvo and Marna, the Last Lady of Song were truly special and hilarious and the audience was a joy. We've received good press, and lots of keen reviews. Tonight we have Erica Daniels and Curt Columbus from Steppenwolf Theater. It kills me that I won't be able to watch them as I have a Bad Seed Performance tonight, but I'm sure they'll be spectacular. I'll try to hang around as long as I can. Maybe I'll just come to the theater as Miss Fern.

Congratulations to ARFTCO and Handbag ensemble members Steve Hickson, Tina Haglund and Michael Buino for their great Reader review of Psycho Beach Party running late night after SCARRIE. I can't wait to see it, particularly Hickson as the Joan Crawfordish mother and Tina decked out in her Hollywood Starlet garb. When Tina's in a show you can bet her costuming is spectacular- as it should be....,

posted by David on 7/15/2005 05:20:00 PM | Link |


My Way of Life

Stella done LOST her groove...., It's kind of sad, but funny. Really funny.

posted by David on 7/15/2005 03:27:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

It's past midnight and I'm feeling a better. I can't wait to rock out tomorrow, baby! Good night.

posted by David on 7/14/2005 06:12:00 AM | Link |



My Way of Life

Last night we had a long recording session, finishing off the back-up vocals and recording Joey Steakley's bits since he was unable to attend the first night due to eye irritation because if a ??? blood mixture concoction. One of many difficulties we've had to overcome, but overcome them we have. The entire cast was very good natured and patient and we got the work done. I really can't say enough good things about the SCARRIE cast. They've shown incredible patience, stamina and determination under extraordinary circumstances, taking whatever curves were thrown at them. Curves I can't even begin to address here.

The bottom line is that THEY make the show a fun, enjoyable experience for me and the audiences agree. Word of mouth is how most of our shows have succeeded and this show is no different. Our house greatly increased a week after opening even with pithy, bewildering reviews in the Chicago Reader and NewCity. Many people in 'the business' don't read reviews, and I shouldn't, but I do. Maybe that will change in the future, but I can't help it. Everyone from Denis O'Hare to Ann-Margret has told me not to bother reading them, but have I listened to them? NO. Sometimes it can be a debilitating experience, particularly when the qualifications for being a critic are NIL. Anybody can write whatever they think, and finding fault seems to be the point here. In high school I had a brief stint as a television critic for our school's local newspaper and I stopped because even then I felt I had no right to pick peoples work apart like that. I mean- who was I but some two bit Joe with an opinion? I've had my share of glowing reviews and now I officially know what it's like to be on the 'other side'...,

Is SCARRIE the perfect creation of what I had originally envisioned? No. Am I proud of the show? A DEFINITE YES. The show was created because I wanted to share my love of the film and the feelings of high school angst that I felt Brian DePalma dramatically created on the screen, and I think the play conveys all of that. Is it esoteric and over the top at times? Yes- but so am I, so that's just part of the package. For maximum SCARRIE enjoyment one needs to be very familiar with the film, to understand all the inside jokes and lines from the film embedded into the lyrics. If you know that, then you'll truly appreciate it. If not, then you'll still like it, but may not understand some of the references. POSEIDON! An Upside Down Musical was just as esoteric, and I think people appreciate that extra effort. Most theater critics aren't aware that PJ Soles as the baseball cap wearing Norma, is a cult icon, or that Carrie and Tommy and Carries slow motion spin is taken directly from the film, but the ones who MATTER know, and that's my main concern. The people who matter. You.

posted by David on 7/13/2005 03:57:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

Listen to SCARRIE-ites on the radio. Sunday, July 10, director Margot Bordelon, and stars Joey Steakley, Trista Smith and Ed Jones appeared on Windy City Radio. You can click here for an archived download of the show!

posted by David on 7/12/2005 06:56:00 PM | Link |


My Way of Life

So Saturday we had a fantastic crowd for SCARRIE. The word is spreading faster then Chris Hargenson's legs. Our cast chaperones Andy Wibbels and Jake Stiger were charming as the embittered AV geek and his trophy husband. Jake, being the fashion forward dude he is brought THREE shirts for me to choose from. Now that's a PRO. And Andy was just, well adorable- he's soooo dreamy. Jakes a hottie, but give me the bookworm anyday. Make sure to check out their Blogs.

Saturday night Chris and I attended the Chicago premiere of BAND GEEKS, A Halftime Musical at the Live Bait Theater written by my homies Becky Eldridge and Amy Peterson, the same dynamic duo that wrote Little House on the Parody. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but I have to tell you to go see this show if you want to LAUGH. It's sweet, without being sickening and vulgar, without being gratuitous (well, a little gratuitous), and just plain laugh out loud funny with a winning cast.

True to it's title it's about the secret world of Band Geeks. Their loves, their laughter, their hopes, their dreams, and their fears. Andy Eninger did a great job with the music and direction and our own Ed Jones appears in it as Mrs. Love, band chaperone. A sort of Shirley Partridge of the Band Geek set. I hate to single people out because they were all great, but Dori Goldman, Joseph Cranford, Amy Petersen and Jerrad Apperson were freakin' funny, and you haven't really lived until you hear your favorite 80's pop tunes band style. See this show! Click here to see cutie band geek nerd supreme Steve O'Brien's hot legs.

Yesterday we started recording the SCARRIE-The Musical cast CD, which will be available soon and we had a great time. Unfortunately Joey 'Carrie' Steakley couldn't make it because he scratched his eye during Saturday nights performance but I'll hopefully see him tonight.

Today is Steve Hickson's birthday, you can send him sympathy cards at

posted by David on 7/12/2005 03:26:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

In the sickening news department:

Yeah, I would imagine the family of the baby they killed are too. Welcome to LA.

I don't even know what to think of this...,

This one I love

posted by David on 7/11/2005 04:03:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

Yesterday was a loooong one. I lost my cell phone during SCARRIE tech week. Looked everywhere for it. Yesterday, I had the account cancelled, called Cingular One, who told me I could just buy a new Cingular phone at any store and get my account reinstated. Like a fool I believed them. I ended up buying the WRONG type of Cingular One phone and they couldn't active it because it was a 'Go' phone, so they said they'd overnight me the same model which was 50 bucks less then the store price. Okay.

I get home and gather my costume pieces for The Bad Seed-The Musical and find my old phone on the floor. I call Cingular and cancel the new phone, but it's too late, they already shipped it, but offer to send me a return label. That was nice. Now I have to return the opened cell phone to the store. Ugh.

I rushed home from work to buy big girl prom gowns for Jinx Titanic and Chad McLaughlin. These are substantial muscular guys, so it wasn't easy, but my thrift store acumen paid off and I found some fabulous pieces. They were HILARIOUS. Jinx is a fucking sweetheart, I love that guy. Beneath that punk rock leather daddy exterior he's just an old softy. Chad, I already loved. Our house was about 3o something people and it was a Thursday show. We had two critics, and I thought the sound was too low in areas. Taylor Ross concurred with me.

A very confusing Reader review came out yesterday, which I suppose wasn't good, but it never really talked about the play itself, just the style and camp vs. humor and learning a lesson from John Waters, and I didn't quite understand it. Everybody seems to have their own definition of 'camp' and most of the time they're wrong. I just get sick of hearing musings on camp and parody and John Waters, by people who don't know what they're fuck they're talking about or who's first exposure to camp is 'Charmed' or 'Buffy, the Vampire Slayer'. It's definitely a generational thing, and I find it rather exasperating.

I think we need more blood, but the drainage system built in the stage is so UN-drainable that I'm afraid it would just make people bloodier(other then Carrie). The dumping seemed a bit anti-climatic yesterday, but then again, it's not like I didn't know what was going to happen. Ed's mic was muffled for most of his songs as well, which annoyed me. I love the Wham Bam Beautiful dance and I think 'Do It For Me' is my favorite song. This week.

Tonight Jinx Titanic and Chad McLaughlin/Brad McGuire appear as guest chaperones one more time.

Saturday night two of my favorite BLOGGERS Andy 'Andymatic' Wibbels and Jake 'NOFO' Stiger perform. I have them make out, just because I can.

Sunday night, ensemble members and ARFTCO founder Tina Haglund and the newly engaged Michael Buino appear. Tina plays woman who never quite left the prom.

Speaking of ARTFCO, their late night show, Charles Busch's Psycho Beach Party opens tonight with Steve Hickson. Don't worry he doesn't take his shirt off, he has the plumb role of the Chicklets' Joan Crawford- like mother. Let's hope they have some hot shirtless boys in the cast. There show runs right after SCARRIE.

One of the reasons I'm so tired is The Bad Seed-The Musical re-opens at the Bailiwick Theater tonight. Showtime is 9:30. Tickets are usually $20 but if you mention 'Friends of Corn' tonight and tonight only you get two for one prices!

posted by David on 7/08/2005 06:04:00 PM | Link |



My SCARRIE Way of Life

SCARRIE-The Musical welcomes Special Guest Prom Chaperones, hot DADDY and punk rock sensation Jinx Titanic and the larger then life Chad McLaughlin(known as 'Brad' in some circles) as girls wrestling Coach Connie and her protegee Maddy. You won't want to miss this one..., They will be appearing tonight and tomorrow! Order your online tickets NOW! Or call 773.327.5252

posted by David on 7/07/2005 04:42:00 PM | Link |



My Way of Life

Looking for something to do tonight? Well, why don't you join the cast and crew of SCARRIE-The Musical at CREW, a really cool bar located right off of Lawrence and Broadway on Clark, next to the Green Mill. There will be prizes and giveways and SCARRIE drink specials and you can rub elbows with the hot and talented cast of SCARRIE-The Musical. I'll be there too ;)
The fun starts at 8pm and goes until 10.

4804 N. Broadway Chicago, IL Phone: 773 784 CREW (2739)

posted by David on 7/06/2005 07:13:00 PM | Link |


My Way of Life

You are not BANNED from my Blog. I've been getting e-mails from friends asking me why they are banned from making comments. This is a friggin' Haloscan issue and I have no idea why it decided to do this. I'm looking into it. Stupid internet crap...,

posted by David on 7/06/2005 04:20:00 PM | Link |


My Way of Life

Hear Fausto Ferno's Feast of Fools SCARRIE gala opening night! Thanks Fausto!

posted by David on 7/06/2005 07:01:00 AM | Link |


My Way of Life

A very belated birthday to The Woman that inspired me to create art. Happy 60th Debbie! July 2

You are Solo Debbie!!!

Which Debbie Harry Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

posted by David on 7/06/2005 05:49:00 AM | Link |



My Way of Life

My Big Opening-

Forgive me for FINALLY posting, but I have been so stressed and busy I didn't think it wise to post last week about the show. It's late.I had a 6 hour The Bad Seed pick up rehearsal at the Bailiwick. My grouchy husband made it a point to get out of bed to ask me to sleep in the spare bedroom so I wouldn't wake him up 'again'. I didn't put a fucking wind chime on the front door, he did. He can be MEAN when he's woken up, which can happen when a pin drops.

Here's the Readers Digest version. Not so good preview. Friday had me worried as all hell, but everybody's hard work paid off .The cast came in Saturday morning and worked the rough transitions and they kicked major ASS Saturday and made me weepy-eyed proud. I 'm too tired to type details now but I was blessed with wunderkid Margot Bordelon and and Bobbie Bagby who behind the petite frame, blonde tresses and beauty queen smile is a force of nature. She and Margot had a sort of 'Witches of Eastwick' thing going on and Jackie and Serena never threw in the towel, even when I was very stressed at times. I stopped because I realized I'd get no where acting like a Diva. Seriously, I'm not a Diva, I just play one because it's sort of a running joke. Divas have money and power, and they're not liked. I think I'm, liked. Nobody would have worked as hard as they did if I was an asshole. We had critics and our first Jeff Committee. Because of the holiday weekend we haven't heard from the Jeff people yet, but regardless of the outcome I know what we have and word of mouth will sell this show. I can gauge an audience.

More good news- POSEIDON- An Upside Down Musical received quite a few TAG Awards in Omaha. Here's Randall Steven's-mail:

HEY! Just wanted to let you know for your blog that Omaha's production of POSEIDON has been nominated for several TAG (Theatre Arts Guild) Awards - the equivalent of your JEFF Awards...
Best Musical
Best Director - Randall Stevens
Best Actor - Jonathan Wilhoft as Reverend Scott
Best Actress - Therese Rennels as Linda Rogo
Best Supporting Actor - Scott Fowler as Mr. Martin
Best Supporting Actress - Mary Kelly as Manny Rosen
Best Featured Actress - Lindasay Lashier as Nonnie
Connie Jo Podendorf as Alice
Best Featured Actor - Nick Zadina as the Lobster/Helmsman
Best Choreography
Best Costume Design
Best Properties Design
Best Ensemble - "Air Pockets"
Awards are Sunday August 7!!! I will keep you posted! :)
Randall T

Way to go guys! Again,this is a result of the love and dedication the cast and Randall put into the show and I couldn't be prouder of them!!!!

posted by David on 7/05/2005 07:16:00 AM | Link |


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©2004 Hell In A Handbag Productions
v: (312) 409-4357

Website credits
Web Design & Construction by
Richard Lambert and Pauline Pang
Red 'H' by Troy Coleman
Additional art elements by Michael Miller